Bookish Texas • Events Around the State
The most comprehensive listing of book and author events, festivals, readings, lectures, workshops, and signings in the Lone Star State
click to visit our MAJOR EVENTS Calendar for annual events!
FOR 10.05.2024 - 10.13.2024
Want your event included? Email Events@lonestarliterary.com with your complete info two weeks in advance of the issue in which your event is scheduled, and we'll include it.
Bookish goings-on in Texas
compiled exclusively by Lone Star Literary Life
SPECIAL EVENTS (*Denotes In-person Events.)
*Houston, AuthorPalooza Conference with Houston Writers Guild, October 4-6, 2024
*Grand Prairie, The Traveling Bookshelf Author Signing, October 5, 2024
*Boerne, Boerne Book & Arts Festival, October 5, 2024
*Hurst, Dallas-Fort Worth Writers Conference, Hurst, October 5-6, 2024
*Denver, Women Writing the West Conference, October 10-12, 2024
*San Antonio, Big Texas Comicon, October 11-13, 2024
*San Antonio, Wanderlust San Antonio, October 12, 2024
*Wimberly, Wimberly Storyfest, October 12-14, 2024
EXHIBITIONS, ETC. (*Denotes In-person Events.)
*Rosenberg, Rosenberg Railroad Museum, Railroads and American Sports stories, through October 27, 2024.
*Houston, The Heritage Society at Sam Houston Park, Agatha Babino's Story: A Narrative of the Formerly Enslaved, through November 9, 2024
*Fort Worth, National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, SOLDADERAS TO AMAZONAS: Escaramuzas Charras, through December, 2024
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Hurst, DFW Writers’ Workshop, DFWCon (Day 1), 8AM, https://dfwcon.org/ |
*Boerne, Patrick Heath Public Library, Boerne Book Festival, 10AM, https://www.boernebookfest.com/ |
*Spring, Copperfield's Books, Spooktacular Author Meet and Greet, 10AM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1552871645651466 |
*Quitman, Stitchin' Heaven, Author Jeffree Wyn signing, 10AM, https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=833692512072163&set=a.399167278858024 |
*Austin, BookPeople, Storytime with author Kimberley Lovato reading PISA LOVES BELLA, 10:30AM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/storytime/special-author-storytime-kimb... |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Special story time with author Abigail Rajunov (PING-PONG SHABBAT), 10:30AM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/special-story-time-ping-pong-shabbat |
*Laredo, TAMIU, One City, One Book Reading the Globe Lecure: SOMETHING FIERCE by Carmen Aguirre, 10:30AM, https://www.humanitiestexas.org/news/events?page=1 |
*Boerne, The Boerne Bookshop, Author meet & greet with Mike Lowrie (HOUSE OF DE ZAVALA), 11AM, https://www.theboernebookshop.com/events/ |
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, Author Lisa Compton signing, 11AM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1033215938346558/ |
*Selma, B&N, Storytime with author Patrick Miller reading NEEON, 11AM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3479 |
*Dallas, Half Price Books Flagship, Storytime with authors Jeremie Fletcher Bourcy (TRUCK BOY) and Lesa Engalthaler (JOAN OF ART), 11:30AM, https://www.hpb.com/store?storeid=HPB-001 |
*Denton, Patchouli Joe's Books, Author Teal Gray signing, 12PM, https://www.patchoulijoesbooks.com/event/author-event-teal-gray |
*Grand Prairie, The Traveling Bookshelf author signing event, 12PM, https://www.eventcreate.com/e/travelingbookshelf |
*San Antonio, B&N Alamo Ranch, Author Eva Silverfine (HOW TO BURY YOUR DOG) signing, 12PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3492 |
Blue Willow Bookshop, Author Charlotte Stein discussing HOW TO HELP A HUNGRY WEREWOLF, 1PM, ONLINE, https://bluewillowbookshop.com/event/stein-2024 |
*Allen, B&N, Author Danny Colmenares (THE FLAME OF NIRADIM) signing, 1PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3459 |
*Austin, Half Price Books S. Lamar, Local author Louis Brantmeyer (A CREATIONSHIP'S INCEPTION) signing, 1PM, https://www.hpb.com/store?storeid=HPB-017 |
*Austin, Reverie Books and Captain Quackenbush Soundspace, Author Amanda Skenandore speaking & signing, 1PM, https://reveriebooks.com/event/author-event-amanda-skenandore-author-of-... |
*Longview, Books and Barrels, Author Addison Brae signing, 1PM, https://www.booksandbarrelstx.com/ |
*Selma, B&N, Author Nick Oliveri (THE CONJURER) signing, 1PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3479 |
*San Antonio, B&N La Cantera, Author Nick Oliveri (THE CONJURER) signing, 1PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/2353 |
*Austin, BookPeople, Local author panel with Jasmine Games, Kelis Rowe, and C. Prudence Arceneaux in conversation with Amanda Johnston, 2PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/torch-local-author-panel-jasmine-games-... |
*Austin, B&N Arboretum, Author Victoria Grace Elliott discusses & signs PLEASE BE MY STAR: A Graphic Novel with Kat Fajardo, 2PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/2536 |
*Boerne, The Boerne Bookshop, Author meet & greet with Stephen Teel, 2PM, https://www.theboernebookshop.com/events/ |
*Grapevine, Talking Animals Books, Author Justin Lowe signing, 2PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/734195392233248 |
*Kerrville, Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library, Book Talk with author Carol Milberger, 2PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/881465950709931 |
*Houston, Murder By The Book, Author Harry Hunsicker signing, 3PM, https://www.murderbooks.com/Hunsicker |
*Pittsburg, Los Pinos Winery, Harvest Party with multiple authors signing, 3PM, https://www.lospinosranchvineyards.com/event/los-pinos-ranch-vineyards-2... |
*Dallas, Interbang Books, Author Simon Van Booy (SIPSWORTH) in conversation with Lori Feathers + signing, 4PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/sipsworth |
*Austin, BookPeople at Central Presbyterian Church, Author and actor Edward Burns speaking and signing A KID FROM MARLBORO ROAD, 6PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/edward-burns-kid-marlboro-road |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Authors Barbara Radnofsky & Ed Supkis (THE BARBER, THE ASTRONAUT, AND THE GOLF BALL), 6PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/store-barbara-radnofsky-and-ed-sup... |
*Austin, BookPeople, Authors Kelly Florence and Meg Hafdahl (TRAVELS OF TERROR: STRANGE AND SPOOKY SPOTS ACROSS AMERICA) signing + meet & greet, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/kelly-florence-and-meg-hafdahl-travels-... |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, Author Erin Cotter signing, 11AM, https://www.facebook.com/events/8249005078491114/ |
*Dallas, Half Price Books, Discussion with author Addison Brae and book signing, 1PM, https://www.hpb.com/store?storeid=HPB-001&showMap=true&horizontalView=tr... |
*Allen, B&N, Author Leslie McElroy speaking & signing THE EXPIRATION DATE, 1PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/event/9780062175641-0 |
Stoney Creek Publishing, Author Donald Mace Williams reads his translation of poems that won the Der Hovanessian Prize, 2PM, ONLINE, https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvd-2tqDwrHdOexW0F_Uv4IJigziXjFZxa#/registration |
*Waco, Camp Fimfo Waco, Author Heather Renee May signing, 4:30PM, https://www.heatherreneemay.com/projects/book-tour-2024 |
*San Antonio, University of Texas at San Antonio, UTSA Creative Writing Reading Series with Kali Fajardo-Anstine, 7PM, https://colfa.utsa.edu/english/creative-writing/reading-series.html |
MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Frisco, Barnes & Noble, Author Penn Cole (SPARK OF THE EVERFLAME) Q&A and signing, 6PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/2060 |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Author Paola Velez (Bodega Bakes) in conversation with Dawn Burrell, 6:30PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/store-paola-velez-bodega-bakes |
*Houston, Inprint at Alley Theatre, 202/2025 Inprint Margarett Root Brown Reading Series featuring author Paul Lynch (PROPHET SONG) in conversation with Maggie Galehouse, 7:30PM, https://inprinthouston.org/calendar/ |
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8 (*Denotes In-person Events)
Writers' League of Texas, “Beginner SEO for Writers” with Joy Victory, 12PM, ONLINE, https://writersleague.org/calendar/member-presents-beginner-seo-for-writers-with-joy-victory/ |
*Austin, St. Edwards University, Poet Elisa Gonzalez speaking, 6PM, https://www.stedwards.edu/academics/schools/arts-humanities/visiting-wri... |
*Austin, Paramount Theater, Sharon McMahon: The Small & The Mighty Book Tour, 6PM, https://sharonmcmahon.com/booktour |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Author and chef Nikky Phinyawatana (THAI FOOD AND TRAVEL WITH CHEF NIKKY) discussion and signing, 6PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/thai-food-and-travel-chef-nikky |
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop & Bakery Lorraine, Deeper Roots poetry open mic, 6PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/894812772478036/ |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Author Paola Ramos (DEFECTORS), 6:30PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/store-paola-ramos-defectors |
*Lubbock, Lubbock Write Right Critique Group, Weekly meeting, 6:30PM, https://lubbockwrcg.com/ |
*Austin, BookPeople, Author Erin Quinn-Kong signing HATE FOLLOW, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/erin-quinn-kong-hate-follow |
*Austin, First Light Books, Author Katherine Packert Burke (STILL LIFE) in conversation with Aurora Mattia, 7PM, https://www.firstlightaustin.com/events |
*Austin, Vintage Bookstore and Wine Bar, Authors Sophie Jordan in conversation with Ali Hazelwood, 7PM, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1091829498996751&set=a.262292118617164 |
*Waxahachie, O'Brien's Bookshop, Authors Susan Stevens Crummel and Janet Stevens signing, 7PM, https://obriensbookshop.com/upcoming-events |
Fabled Bookshop & Cafe, Fabled Book Club discusses THE MESMERIST with author Caroline Woods, 7PM, Online, https://fabledbookshop.com/events |
*Dallas, Deep Vellum and Dallas Museum of Art, Arts & Letters Live presents Paul Lynch (PROPHET SONG) in conversation with Will Evans, 7:30PM, https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/84907865/paul-lynch-dallas-dallas-museum-o... |
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*San Marcos, Therese Kayser Lindsey Literary Series, Poets Felispeaks & Nithy Kasa presenting, 3:30PM, https://www.english.txst.edu/about/tkl/tkl-author-bios.html |
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, Poetry reading & signing with author Jeanette Burney, 5:30PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1227978421735240/ |
*Dallas, Whose Books Bookstore, Shaun Hamill Author Talk in Conversation With fellow Author Chris Panatier, 6PM, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shaun-hamill-author-talk-in-conversation-wi... |
*Dallas, McFarlin Memorial Auditorium, Sharon McMahon: The Small & The Mighty Book Tour, 6PM https://sharonmcmahon.com/booktour |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Author Paul M. Sparrow (AWAKENING THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA) signing, 6:30PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/store-paul-m-sparrow-awakening-spi... |
*Houston, Kindred Stories, IRL Author Talk: Kwame Mbalia (JAX FREEMAN AND THE PHANTOM SHRIEK) in conversation with Nia Davenport, 6:30PM, https://kindredstorieshtx.com/products/irl-author-talk-jax-freeman-and-p... |
*Houston, Murder By The Book, Danielle Trussoni in conversation with Abby Endler, 6:30PM, https://www.murderbooks.com/Trussoni |
*Austin, BookPeople, Author Carolina Gelen (PASS THE PLATE) signing, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/carolina-gelen-pass-plate |
*Austin, BookWoman, Author Valarie Cloud Clearer Schwan Ringland discussing HEALING WITH INDIGENOUS ANCESTORS, 7PM, https://ebookwoman.com/events/2024/10 |
*Georgetown, Lark & Owl Booksellers, Author Kate Golden (A REIGN OF ROSE) in discussion with Ali Hazlewood & signing, 7PM, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kate-golden-author-event-a-reign-of-rose-ti... |
*Dallas, The Wild Detectives, Inner Moonlight with poet Emmy Piercy, 7:30PM, https://thewilddetectives.com/events/inner-moonlight-emmy-piercy/ |
*Houston, KIndred Stories, Author Meka James (LOVE AND SPORTSBALL) in discussion with Chencia C. Higgins, 7:30PM, https://kindredstorieshtx.com/products/irl-author-talk-love-sportsball-w... |
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Abilene, NCCIL, Illustrator Rafael López: Un Proceso Hermoso Exhibit Opening, 5PM, https://www.nccil.org/events-calendar/rafael-lpez-un-proceso-hermoso-exh... |
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, E.R. Bills will be sharing the 9th volume of Road Kill: Texas Writers, along with Lawrence Buentello, Clint Stevenson and L. H. Phillips, 5:30PM, https://www.thetwig.com/event/er-bills-road-kill-texas-horror-texas-writ... |
*Dallas, Half Price Books Flagship, Storytime with author Paige Murray (ROSIE'S WILD RIDE: CHASING BIG RODEO DREAMS) with signing and crafts, 6PM, https://www.hpb.com/store?storeid=HPB-001 |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Discussion and signing with author Kim Sanders (HERMIT OF PARADISE), 6PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/hermit-paradise |
*Houston, Murder By The Book, Author David McCloskey signing, 6:30PM, https://www.murderbooks.com/McCloskey |
*Canyon, West Texas A&M, Distinguished Lecture series featuring Megan Fernandes (Poetry), 7PM, https://www.wtamu.edu/academics/distinguished-lecture-series/index.html |
*Houston, Blue Willow Bookshop, Author Carolina Gelen discussing PASS THE PLATE, 7PM, https://bluewillowbookshop.com/event/gelen-24 |
*Lubbock, Texas Tech University Creative Writing Series, Author Boris Dralyuk speaking, 7:30PM, https://www.depts.ttu.edu/english/student_involvement/organizations/read... |
Atmosphere Press, Author readings with Erin Foley (WHERE THEY BELONG), Cristina Adams (COPYCAT), and Alan Cohen (TAXONOMIC VIGNETTES), 8PM, ONLINE, https://atmospherepress.com/ |
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Author Rick Jervis (THE DEVIL BEHIND THE BADGE) in conversation with Ed Lavandera & signing, 6PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/devil-behind-badge |
*Abilene, NCCIL, Street Party with illustrator Rafael López, 6:30PM, https://www.nccil.org/events-calendar/rafael-lpez-un-proceso-hermoso-exh... |
*Austin, Carver Museum & Texas State University, Writing Across the Diaspora, 6:30PM, https://www.torchliteraryarts.org/event-details/writing-across-the-diaspora |
*Austin, Black Pearl Bookstore, Conversation & book signing with Brit Barron (DO YOU STILL TALK TO GRANDMA?), 7PM, https://www.blackpearlbookstore.com/events |
*Austin, BookPeople, Author C.H. Hooks signing CAN'T SHAKE THE DUST, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/ch-hoooks-cant-shake-dust |
*Austin, Alienated Majesty Books, Downpour ATX with readings from Alejandro Puyana, Stephanie Macias & Bianca Alyssa Pérez, 7PM, https://www.alienatedmajestybooks.com/events/975420241011 |
*Austin, First Light Books, Author Catherine O'Connor (DUST COVERED LIES) signing, 7PM, https://www.firstlightaustin.com/events/catherine-oconnor-dust-covered-lies |
*Dallas, The Wild Detectives, Hay Festival Forum (Day 1), 7PM, https://thewilddetectives.com/events/the-tejano-house-party-copy/ |
*Houston, Bayou City Press, Book launch for Ettore Farrattini Pojani's English-language version of THE NINE LIVES OF TITO D'AMELIA, 7PM, https://bayoucitypress.com/ |
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Abilene, NCCIL, Workshop with illustrator Rafael López, 9AM, https://www.nccil.org/events-calendar/rafael-lpez-un-proceso-hermoso-exh... |
*Lubbock, Caprock Writers & Illustrators, Author Cristina Stephens speaking, 9:30AM, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=26786264537655261&set=a.10108550993... |
*Cibolo, Cibolo Book Festival, 10AM, https://cibolobookfestival.com/ |
*Katy, Indie Author Book Fair, 10AM, https://sites.google.com/view/author-indie-book-fair/home?authuser=1 |
*Austin, BookPeople, Storytime with author Elisabeth Hosei (THE BIRD WHO WAS A TREE), 10:30AM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/storytime-elisabeth-hosei |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Story time with Elías David reading UNA NUEVA CIUDAD, UN NUEVO HOGAR / A NEW CITY, A NEW HOME!, 10:30AM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/store-story-time-el%C3%ADas-david-... |
*Fort Worth, Monkey and Dog Books, Sit & sign with author Livy Hart, 11AM, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=931604689001447&set=a.550936917068228 |
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, Author Cathy Carroll signing, 11AM, https://www.thetwig.com/event/cathy-carroll-hug-war-how-lead-family-busi... |
*Dallas, Half Price Books Flagship, Storytime with author Karen Weiss (FIREFLY LULLABY) and signing, 11:30AM, https://www.hpb.com/store?storeid=HPB-001 |
*Grapevine, Talking Animals Books, Storytime with author Kimberley Lovato, 11:30AM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1019817629412266/ |
*San Antonio, B&N Alamo Ranch, Author Kelly Hollingshead signing FALLEN WATCHER, 12PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3492 |
*Boerne, The Boerne Bookshop, Author Ken Miller (GUANAJA: A CARIBBEAN ISLAND) meet & greet, 1PM, https://www.theboernebookshop.com/events/ |
*San Antonio, B&N La Cantera, Author Luissa Kiprono signing, 1PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/2353 |
*Selma, B&N, Author Mari Mancusi signing SALLY'S LAMENT, 1PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3479 |
*Grapevine, Talking Animals Books, Author Bonnie Daneker signing, 2PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1411248313091801/ |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Author Dina Havranek (GIDDY BARBER EXPLODES IN 11) signing, 3PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/store-dina-havranek-giddy-barber-e... |
*San Angelo, Old Town Books, Discussion & book signing with James Wade, 3PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1038574911298921/ |
*The Woodlands, B&N, Author Denise Grace Gitsham signing POLITICS FOR PEOPLE WHO HATE POLITICS, 3PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/2200 |
*Austin, Birdhouse Books and Gifts, Spells, Secrets, and History: The World of TO RESCUE A WITCH with author Lisa A. Traugott, 4PM, https://www.birdhousebooksatx.com/ |
*The Woodlands, Buy the Book, Book launch party for RIFT BRINGER with author Adrienne Renick, 5PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/3727494890808700 |
*Arlington, Friends and Foundation of the Arlington Public Library, An Evening with Betty Woods, 7PM, https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/hVEH3xmiYF9Gw2oFa1-zlw |
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, Author Maria Valdez Perez signing, 11AM, https://www.facebook.com/events/2189289228108438/ |
*Denton, City of Denton I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Paranormal discussions with Author Teal Gray and Team Parahunters, 6PM, https://www.dentonhalloween.com/event-details/paranormal-investigation-o... |
Black & Bitter Coffee and Books
Dat Friday Flow - Killeen Poetry
High Plains Poetry Project (West Texas A&M)
The Moth (live storytelling events)
The Mouth Dakota Poetry Project
Poets Northwest (Monthly meeting)
Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival
RECURRING STORYTIMES (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Taylor, Libros Bookshop, Storytime, M, 2:00PM
*Grapevine, Talking Animals, Sat., 11:30AM
Lark & Owl Booksellers, Super Silly Storytime, M-F, 10:00AM FACEBOOK LIVE
*Allen, Allen Public Library – Storytime (Pajama Story Time (3+) M, 6:30PM; Baby and Me Story Time (0-12 mos.) T, 10:15AM; Together Time Story Time (3+) W, 10:15AM; Fun Ones & Twos (1-2yrs.) Th, 10:15AM)
*Seguin, Seguin Public Library – Storytime (Baby Time (0-18 mos.), W, 10:00AM; Toddler Time (0-5 yrs.), T, 10:00AM; Preschool (3-5 yrs.), T, 11:00AM; Family Time, W, 11:00AM)
*Center, The Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library, Preschool Storytime (ages 2-5), W, 10:30 a.m.
Old Town Books, Children’s Storytime, T & F, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
*Longview, Longview Public Library – Babygarten Storytime (0-2 yrs.), T, 10:30AM
*North Richland Hills, North Richland Hills Library, Storytime (3-6 yrs.), W, 10:30AM
*Bridgeport, Bridgeport Public Library, Storytime, T, 4:30PM; W, 11AM
*Pflugerville, Pflugerville Library, Baby Time, W, 9AM; story time, W, 10AM
*Midland, Centennial Library, Storytime, W, 10:30AM & 11:30AM
*Midland, Downtown Library, Storytime, TH, 10:30AM & 11:30AM
Texian Books, Tiny Texians Storytime, F, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
*Laredo, Laredo Public Library, Storytime, Various Weekly
The Twig Book Shop, Miss Anastasia Storytime, F, 10:30AM INSTAGRAM LIVE
*Sachse, Sachse Public Library, Various Storytimes, F, 10:30AM
Boerne Radio, Early Bird Storytime, Sat., 7:45AM
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Various Storytimes
*San Angelo, Old Time Books, Children's Storytime on the Patio, Sat., 11AM
*The Woodlands, Buy the Book, 1st and 3rd Sat., 10:30am
Harris County Public Libraries - Various Storytimes
San Antonio Public Library, Various Storytimes
El Paso Public Library, Various Storytimes
Houston Public Library, Various Storytimes
Irving Public Library, Various Storytimes
Want your event included? Email Events@lonestarliterary.com with your complete info two weeks in advance of the issue in which your event is scheduled, and we'll include it.