Bookish Texas • Events Around the State
The most comprehensive listing of book and author events, festivals, readings, lectures, workshops, and signings in the Lone Star State
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FOR 3.18.2023 - 3.26.2023
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Bookish goings-on in Texas
compiled exclusively by Lone Star Literary Life
SPECIAL EVENTS (*Denotes In-person Events.)
*Houston, TeenBookCon 2023, March 25, 2023
EXHIBITIONS (*Denotes In-person Events.)
*San Antonio, The Witte Museum, Beasley’s Vaqueros of the Brush Country Exhibit, through March 20, 2023
*Galveston, Galveston County Historical Museum, Citizens at Last: The Woman Suffrage Movement in Texas, through March 31, 2023
*Dallas, Fretz Park Branch Library, Literary Peep Show, through April 8, 2023
*San Antonio, The DoSeum, Very Eric Carle: A Very Hungry, Quiet, Lonely, Clumsy, Busy Exhibit, through April 16, 2023
*Amarillo, American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame and Museum, Vaquero: Genesis of the Texas Cowboy (Humanities Texas), through April 22, 2023,
*Austin, Harry Ransom Center, Drawing the Motion Picture: Production Art and Storyboards, through July 16, 2023
*Austin, Harry Ransom Center, Stories to Tell: Selections from the Harry Ransom Center, through August 20, 2023
SATURDAY, MARCH 18 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Mineola, Friends of the Mineola Public Library, Book Sale, 9AM, https://www.facebook.com/friendsofthemineolamemoriallibrary |
*Dallas, Central Library, Writing Club, 10AM, https://dallaslibrary.librarymarket.com/event/writing-club |
*Dallas, The Writer's Garret, The Poetry of Rumi: A Guided Discussion with Joan Canby, 10AM, https://writersgarret.org/event/the-poetry-of-rumi-a-guided-discussion-w... |
*Greenville, W. Walworth Harrison Public Library, LitCon, 10AM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1103681790307010/ |
*Dallas, Preston Royal Branch Library, DIY Book Pocket Pillows, 11AM, https://dallaslibrary.librarymarket.com/event/diy-book-pocket-pillows-0 |
*Denton, Patchouli Joe's Books, Indie Author Fair, 12PM, https://www.patchoulijoesbooks.com/event/indie-author-fair-0 |
*San Antonio, Half Price Books, Author Lara Lee signing, 12PM, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-signing-for-lara-lee-author-of-the-leg... |
*Pflugerville, Pflugerville Public Library, Poetry Society Meeting, 12:30PM, https://library.pflugervilletx.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/35544/... |
*Fort Worth, Central Library, Spring Book Parade, 1PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/story-parade-cen |
*Fort Worth, Reby Cary Youth Library, Spring Book Parade, 1PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/story-parade-rcy |
*Van Alstyne, Writers' League of Texas, Texas Writes in Van Alstyne, TX with authors Donna M. Johnson and Kathleen Kent, 1PM, https://writersleague.org/calendar/texas-writes-in-van-alstyne-tx/ |
*Austin, Windsor Branch Public Library, Journal Decorating, 2PM, https://library.austintexas.gov/event/making-crafting/get-crafty-journal-decorating-7726222 |
*Fort Worth, Meadowbrook Branch Library, Spring Book Parade, 2PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/story-parade-mbk |
*Fort Worth, Northside Branch Library, Spring Book Parade, 2PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/story-parade-nrs |
*Missouri City, Missouri City Branch Library, Self-Care and Telling Your Own Story: Journaling, 2PM, https://www.fortbend.lib.tx.us/event/self-care-and-telling-your-own-story-journaling |
Tumblewords Project, Carlos Fidel Espinoza: We Have Thorns Because We Are Reaching Out to You, 2PM, ONLINE, https://www.facebook.com/events/225922223208420/ |
Brazos Bookstore, Middle Grade Book Club with Jennifer Chambliss Bertman (SISTERHOOD OF SLEUTHS), 3PM, ONLINE, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/virtual-middle-grade-book-club-jennifer-chambliss-bertman-0 |
*Fort Worth, Northwest Branch Library, Spring Book Parade, 3PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/story-parade-nrw |
*Fort Worth, Southwest Regional Branch Library, Youth Poet Laureate Workshop, 3PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/teen-ypl3-swtr |
*San Angelo, Old Town Books, Author Dr. Linda Bond Discussing & Signing San Angelo and Arthur Stillwell’s Dream of Steam, 3PM, https://www.oldtownbookstx.com/events/ |
The Writer's Garret, Mixed Genre Peer Critique Group, 3PM, https://writersgarret.org/Stone-Soup-Peer-critique-workgroups/ |
*Houston, Murder By The Book, Author Cara Black signing, 3:30PM, https://www.murderbooks.com/Black |
*Arlington, Amber Royer, Saturday Night Writes, 4PM, HYBRID, http://amberroyer.com/events/saturday-night-write/ |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Authors Olena Kharchenko and Michael Sampson (THE STORY OF UKRAINE), 4PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/story-ukraine |
*Dalworthington Gardens, Pantego Books, Q&A and Signing with Ashley Schumacher, 7PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/751156896369679 |
*Dallas, The Wild Detectives, Talking Dirty After Dark Live Storytelling, 9PM, https://thewilddetectives.com/events/talking-dirty-after-dark-live-story... |
SUNDAY, MARCH 19 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, Maryann Moss signing An Unfinished Book, 11AM https://www.thetwig.com/event/maryann-moss-unfinished-book |
*Dallas, Half Price Books, Authors Sheila Wynn (A LONG TIME COMING) & Schequita Goldsmith (HOW TO MOVE BEYOND WHERE YOU ARE TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE) signing, 1PM, https://www.hpb.com/001 |
*Fort Worth, East Regional Branch Library, FW Writes: Writers' Workshop, 1PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/writers-workshop-estr |
*San Antonio, The Mouth Dakota Poetry Project, Open Mic Poetry, 5PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1677710089328417/1677710162661743/ |
MONDAY, MARCH 20 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*San Marcos, San Marcos Public Library, Altered Book Art, 6PM, https://www.sanmarcostx.gov/Calendar.aspx?EID=10194&month=3&year=2023&da... |
*Fort Worth, Southwest Regional Branch Library, Write on, write on, write on!, 6:30PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/fw-writes-write-on |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Author Adele Bertei (TWIST), 6:30PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/person-adele-bertei-twist |
*Houston, Murder By The Book, Author Jacqueline Winspear signing, 6:30PM, https://www.murderbooks.com/winspear |
*Austin, BookWoman, In-person Book Talk with author Bex Mui (HOUSE OF OUR QUEER), 7PM, https://www.ebookwoman.com/event/house-our-queer-person-book-talk-author-bex-mui |
*Irving, Valley Ranch Library, Mindful Mondays with Coloring & Journaling, 7PM, https://www.cityofirving.org/Calendar.aspx?EID=20655&month=3&year=2023&day=16&calType=0 |
BookWoman, Virtual ACC LITERARY COFFEEHOUSE Reading Series + Open Mic featuring Mattie Barber-Bockelman & Teresa Cruz, 7PM, ONLINE, https://www.ebookwoman.com/event/virtual-acc-literary-coffeehouse-reading-series-open-mic-featuring-mattie-barber-bockelman |
*Dallas, Deep Vellum Books, Author Craig Seligman (WHO DOES THAT BITCH THINK SHE IS), 7PM, http://deepvellum.com/events/2023/seligman |
TUESDAY, MARCH 21 (*Denotes In-person Events)
Chestnut Publishing House, Chestnut Creative Container & Publishing Information Session, 11:30AM, ONLINE, https://www.facebook.com/events/750676230055779 |
Harris County Public Library, Live Virtual Author Talk with Celebrity Chef Jernard A. Wells (SOUTHERN INSPIRED), 3PM, ONLINE, https://hcpl.bibliocommons.com/events/63fcee512e149ac1243715d4 |
*Dallas, Grauwyler Park Branch Library, DIY Book Pocket Pillows, 3:30PM, https://dallaslibrary.librarymarket.com/event/diy-book-pocket-pillows |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Author Michelle Cruz (EVEN WHEN YOU LIE) signing, 6PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/even-when-you-lie |
*Houston, Lone Star College-CyFair Library, CyFair Writers, 6PM, https://hcpl.bibliocommons.com/events/63f13820001993e41589b6fb |
*Hurst, Hurst Public Library, Trinity Arts Writers Workshop, 6PM, https://www.hursttx.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/14882/440 |
*Austin, Central Library, Write Club, 6:30PM, https://library.austintexas.gov/event/programs-workshops/write-club-7722241 |
*Benbrook, Benbrook Public Library, Writing Critique, 6:30PM, https://www.benbrooklibrary.org/event/writing-critique-4 |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Author Joshua Burton (GRACE ENGINE), 6:30PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/person-joshua-burton-grace-engine |
*Houston, Murder By The Book, Author Kristen Bird in conversation with Author Ashley Winstead, 6:30PM, https://www.murderbooks.com/Bird |
*Levelland, South Plains College Library, Author Ben English Signing, 6:30PM, https://www.benhenglish.com/events-calendar/ |
Austin Area SCBWI, Author Lindsey Leslie speaking, 7PM, ONLINE, https://austin.scbwi.org/events/webinar-lets-practice-those-pitches/ |
*Austin, BookPeople, Author Elizabeth Cobbs (FEARLESS WOMEN) book signing, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/elizabeth-cobbs-fearless-women |
*Dallas, The Wild Detectives, Author Robert Escobar Speaking, 7PM, https://thewilddetectives.com/events/robert-escobar-death-in-global-folk... |
Whose Books, Author Annette Chavez Macias speaking, 7PM, ONLINE, https://www.whosebooks.shop/events |
*Fort Worth, The Dock Bookshop, Comedy Night & Open Mic with Host MDot, 7:30PM, https://www.thedockbookshop.com/event/month |
*Houston, WAN Poetry, Youth Poetry Slam Night Hosted by BlackBluez, 7:30PM, https://writeaboutnowpoetry.com/events |
*Houston, Inprint, Writers in the House: Author Cristina Burneo Salazar (HISTORIAS DE DESOBEDIENCIA), 7:30PM, https://inprinthouston.org/event/escritores-en-la-casa-cristina-burneo-salazar/ |
*Dallas, Dallas Poetry Slam, The X-Perience Open Mic Night, 8PM, https://www.thedallaspoetryslam.com/show-schedule#&gid=1&pid=1 |
*Austin, Austin Poetry Slam, Anybody Can Get It Open Mic, 8:30PM, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aps-presents-anybody-can-get-it-open-mic-slam-featuring-lacey-roop-tickets-570194516147 |
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Dallas, Central Library, Workshop Wednesdays with the Dallas Poet Laureate, 11AM, https://dallaslibrary.librarymarket.com/event/workshop-wednesdays-dallas-poet-laureate-38 |
*Abilene, Seven and One Books, Pantsuit Politics Book Signing, 12PM, https://www.sevenandonebooks.com/events |
*Boerne, Patrick Heath Public Library, Writers Roundtable, 1PM, https://www.ci.boerne.tx.us/Calendar.aspx?EID=21553&month=3&year=2023&da... |
Granbury Writers' Bloc, Read & Critique, 2PM, ONLINE, https://granburywritersbloc.com/meetings/ |
*Arlington, Southeast Branch Library, Zine Machines, 4PM, https://arlingtonlibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=33394&backTo=Calendar&startDate=2023/03/16 |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Author Rob Harrell (BATPIG: GO PIG OR GO HOME) signing, 4PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/batpig-go-pig-or-go-home |
*Humble, Baldwin Boettcher Branch Library, Word Crafters, 5PM, https://hcpl.bibliocommons.com/events/63f7be130717af1608f34f1f |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Author Kimberly McMillan (NEVER ENOUGH TIME) signing, 6PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/never-enough-time |
*Plano, Dallas Poetry Slam, Women Create Wednesday Open Mic, 6PM, https://www.thedallaspoetryslam.com/show-schedule#&gid=2&pid=1 |
Brazos Bookstore, Virtual Author Visit Idra Novey (TAKE WHAT YOU NEED), 6:30PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/virtual-idra-novey-take-what-you-need |
*Houston, Brazos Bookstore, Author Elizabeth Cobbs (FEARLESS WOMEN), 6:30PM, https://www.brazosbookstore.com/event/person-elizabeth-cobbs-fearless-women |
*Houston, Kindred Stories, IRL Author Talk with Joseph Earl Thomas (SINK) & Kiese Laymon, 7PM, https:// |
*Austin, BookPeople, Author Dr. Pooja Lakshmin (REAL SELF-CARE) book signing, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/dr-pooja-lakshmin-real-self-care-transformative-program-redefining-wellness-crystals-cleanses |
*Dallas, Dallas Aaron Family JCC, Author Michael F. Roizen (THE GREAT AGE REBOOT), 7PM, https://jccdallas.org/event/michael-roizen/ |
*Dallas, The Writer's Garret & Whose Bookstore, LitTalk: An Author Panel Series, 7PM, https://writersgarret.org/event/lit-talk-an-author-panel-series/ |
Fresh Fiction, Video Book Club with Author Lisa Renee Jones (SWEET SINNER), 7PM, ONLINE, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/video-book-club-with-author-lisa-renee-jone... |
*Houston, Write About Now Poetry, Open Mic Night featuring Sherrika Mitchell, 7:30PM, https://writeaboutnowpoetry.com/events |
*San Antonio, Write Art Out, Inc, Open Mic Poetry, 8PM, https://www.waosatx.org/ |
THURSDAY, MARCH 23 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*San Antonio, The Witte Museum, Texas Trailblazers Awards Luncheon featuring Author Catherine Nixon Cooke, 11:30AM, https://www.wittemuseum.org/event/2023texas-trailblazers/ |
Houston Independent Authors, Writers Lunch: Creating Magic Systems with Daphne Strasert, 1PM, ONLINE, https://www.facebook.com/events/749516039859771 |
*Abilene, Texas Star Trading Company, Author Jeff Guinn signing, 2PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/3387266661592059/ |
*Austin, Old Quarry Branch Library, Get Crafty: Journal Decorating, 2PM, https://library.austintexas.gov/event/making-crafting/get-crafty-journal-decorating-7726293 |
*Austin, North Village Branch, LiteratureLive! Presents Wiley and the Hairy Man, 3:30PM, https://library.austintexas.gov/event/literature-live/literaturelive-presents-wiley-and-hairy-man-7725356 |
*Harker Heights, Teen Writers' Club, 4PM, https://harkerheights.gov/index.php/librarycalendar/eventdetail/1477/-/teen-writers-club |
*Houston, Central Library, Write On!, 4:30PM, https://calendar.houstonlibrary.org/event/10088827 |
*Copperas Cove, Central Texas Writers Society & Copperas Cove Library, Copperas Cove Library's Local Author Event, 5:30PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/735045031554378/ |
*Alpine, Front Street Books, Author Nicholas McIntire (A WICKED WIND), 6PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/896122288333566 |
Chestnut Publishing House, Chestnut Creative Container & Publishing Information Session, 6PM, ONLINE, https://www.facebook.com/events/1433390740766866 |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Author Joe R. Lansdale (THE DONUT LEGION) signing, 6PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/donut-legion |
*Dripping Springs, Dripping Springs Community Library, Busting Through Writer's Block with author Leslie Tourish, 6PM, HYBRID, https://dscl.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/writers-block-in-person-3/ |
*Frisco, Barnes & Noble Stonebriar, Garth Nix (THE SINISTER BOOKSELLERS OF BATH) signing, 6PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/event/9780062153978-0 |
*San Antonio, Gemini Ink, How to Get Yourself Out on Social Media for Busy Writers with Andrea “Vocab” Sanderson and Zach Jewell, 6:30PM, HYBRID, https://geminiink.org/events/social-media-for-busy-writers/ |
*Conroe, Montgomery County Literary Arts Council, Writers in Performance - Author C.W. Smith Speaking at Lone Star College - Montgomery, 7PM, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=674862591306398&set=a.492309586228367 |
*Arlington, George W. Hawkes Downtown Library, Night Owls: Creative Writing for Teens, 7PM, https://arlingtonlibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=33037&backTo=Calendar&startDate=2023/03/02 |
*Austin, BookPeople, Author Szilvia Molnar (THE NURSERY) book signing, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/szilvia-molnar-nursery |
JCC Author Speaker Series: David Shaw | The Plagues of Pharaoh, 7PM, ONLINE https://www.thetwig.com/event/site-event-jcc-author-speaker-series-david... |
*Houston, Inprint Writers in the House Series, Author Cristina Burneo Salazar (HISTORIAS DE DESOBEDIENCIA), 7:30PM, https://inprinthouston.org/event/escritores-en-la-casa-cristina-burneo-salazar/ |
*Dallas, DMA Arts & Letters Live, Author Adam Gopnik (THE REAL WORK), 7:30PM, HYBRID, https://dma.org/programs/event/arts-letters-live-adam-gopnik |
FRIDAY, MARCH 24 (*Denotes In-person Events)
Austin Book Arts Center, Bind a Custom Portfolio, 10AM, ONLINE, https://atxbookarts.org/events/5903/ |
Dripping Springs Community Library, Wordplay: Writing on the Lighter Side with poet d. ellis phelps, 1PM, ONLINE, https://dscl.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/wordplay-writing-on-the-lig... |
*Houston, Friends of the Spring Branch Memorial Library, Plant & Book Festival (DAY ONE), 1PM, https://hcpl.bibliocommons.com/events/63c9806e40ced4ba51fcc1b3 |
*Dallas, Bachman Lake Branch Library, DIY Book Pocket Pillows, 3:30PM, https://dallaslibrary.librarymarket.com/event/diy-book-pocket-pillows-2 |
*El Paso, Texas Book Festival & El Paso Community Foundation, Author Maria Hinojosa in conversation with Robert Moore, 5PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/884248466175867 |
*Dallas, Dallas Institute of Humanities Lyric Hour, Poet Willard Spiegelman (NOTHING STAYS PUT), 6PM, https://dallasinstitute.org/lyric-hour/ |
*Denton, Patchouli Joe's Books, Short Story Readings, 6PM, https://www.patchoulijoesbooks.com/event/short-story-readings-0 |
*Austin, Book Woman, Book launch for author Jason Myers (MAKER OF HEAVEN), 6:30PM, https://www.ebookwoman.com/event/book-launch-jason-myers-maker-heaven |
*Austin, BookPeople & Writers' League of Texas, Book Launch for Black Chameleon: Memory, Womanhood, and Myth by Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton in conversation with Becka Oliver, 7PM, https://writersleague.org/calendar/book-launch-black-chameleon-memory-wo... |
*Kyle, Katherine Anne Porter Literacy Center, Visiting Author Jericho Brown (The Tradition), 7:30PM, http://www.kapliterarycenter.com/KAP_EventsPage.html |
*Carrollton, Dallas Poetry Slam, Floetic Experience Poetry Night, 8PM, https://www.thedallaspoetryslam.com/#&gid=1&pid=4 |
*El Paso, Barbed Wire Open Mic Series, Open Mic Night at Craft Rhythm & Brews, 9PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/765188738550277 |
SATURDAY, MARCH 25 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Dallas, The Writer's Garret, Writing in Nature with Lisa Huffaker, 9AM, https://writersgarret.org/event/writing-in-nature-with-lisa-huffaker/ |
*Austin, Austin Book Arts Center, Long Stitch Leather Journal, 10AM, https://atxbookarts.org/events/5904/ |
*El Paso, Texas Book Festival & El Paso Museum of History, Authors Zeke Peña and Raúl the Third reading, 10AM,, https://www.texasbookfestival.org/tbf-in-el-paso-march-24-25/ |
*Dallas, Whose Books, Author Courtney Kelly reading, 10AM, https://www.whosebooks.shop/events |
*Granbury, Granbury Writers' Bloc, Speaker-author Michael Dooley (THE WATER STOP SALOON), Read, & Critique, 10AM, https://granburywritersbloc.com\ |
*Houston, TeenBookCon, 10AM, https://www.teenbookcon.org/ |
*Katy, Friends of the Maud Marks Library, Book Sale, 10AM, https://hcpl.bibliocommons.com/events/63c886709e00b42800d11901 |
*North Richland Hills, SCBWI North Texas, Middle Grade Voiceology by Kelli McKinney, 10AM, https://northtexas.scbwi.org/ |
*Pflugerville, The Book Burrow Grand Opening, 10AM, https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=588508999985115&set=a.455087126660637 |
*Sugar Land, University Branch Library, Friends of University Branch Library Book Sale, 10AM, https://www.fortbend.lib.tx.us/event/friends-university-branch-library-book-sale-0 |
The Writer's Garret, Prose & Poetry Stone Soup Peer Critique Group, 10AM, https://writersgarret.org/Stone-Soup-Peer-critique-workgroups/ |
*Tomball, Lone Star College-Tomball Community Library, Scribe Tribe Write-In, 10AM, https://hcpl.bibliocommons.com/events/63b45e639e00b42800ceffb7 |
*Canyon, Canyon Area Library, Authors Bill Briscoe and Kim Black Signing, 11AM, http://www.canyonlibrary.org/Calendar.aspx?EID=3085&month=3&year=2023&da... |
*Houston, Spring Branch Memorial Branch Library, Inprint Poetry Buskers, 11AM, https://hcpl.bibliocommons.com/events/6400fef582483f41005ca2a6 |
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, Ehizojie Mary Ero-Brown signing her debut children's book, All Kinds of Love, 11AM https://www.thetwig.com/event/ehizogie-mary-ero-brown-all-kinds-love |
*Denton, Patchouli Joe's Books, Author E.R. Bills Signing, 12PM, https://www.patchoulijoesbooks.com/event/author-visit-er-bills-0 |
*Killeen, Words Unite Bookstore, Book Exchange, 12PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/730630558399196 |
*Boerne, The Boerne Bookshop, Author Maryann Moss signing, 1PM, https://www.theboernebookshop.com/ |
*Dallas, Central Library, Literary LEGO, 1PM, https://dallaslibrary.librarymarket.com/event/literary-legos-4 |
*Fort Worth, La Gran Biblioteca, Spring Book Parade, 1PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/story-parade-lgb |
*San Antonio, San Antonio Public Library, I Wrote A Book, So Now What?, 1PM, https://www.mysapl.org/Events-News/Events-Calendar?trumbaEmbed=view%3Dev... |
*Austin, Barnes & Noble Arboretum, Author Elizabeth Keating (THE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS) signing, 2PM, https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/event/9780062155539-0 |
*Austin, Howson Branch Library, Writing Workshop, 2PM, https://library.austintexas.gov/event/writing/writing-workshop-7723503 |
*Dallas, Interabang Books, Author Willard Spiegelman (NOTHING STAYS PUT) signing, 2PM, https://www.interabangbooks.com/event/nothing-stays-put |
*Denton, Emily Folwer Library, Greeting Card Junk Journal, 2PM, https://denton.bibliocommons.com/events/639ca2e6a111382f008f2833 |
*Fort Worth, Diamond Hill Jarvis Branch Library, Spring Book Parade, 2PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/story-parade-dhj |
*Friona, Friona Friends of the Library, Author Teddy Jones Speaking & Signing, 2PM, https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=727025222212855&set=a.586783122903733 |
*Grapevine, Talking Animals Books, Author Louis Tridico signing, 2PM, https://www.talkinganimalsbooks.com/pages/events |
Tumblewords Project, Bryan Franco: Consequential Words, 2PM, ONLINE, https://www.facebook.com/events/3534507416831044 |
*Dallas, The Wild Detectives, Book Release Party for Sex Depression Animals by Mag Gabbert, 3PM, https://thewilddetectives.com/events/sex-depression-animals-w-mag-gabbert/ |
*Houston, Murder By The Book, Author Joe Lansdale signing, 3PM, https://www.murderbooks.com/Lansdale |
*Fort Worth, The Dock Bookshop, Lisa Cooley Thomas in conversation with Dionne Anglin, 4:30PM, https://www.thedockbookshop.com/event/lisa-cooley-thomas |
*Austin, Book Woman, Reading with authors S.L Wisenberg (THE WONDERING WOMB) & Debra Monroe (IT TAKES A WORRIED WOMAN), 6PM, https://www.ebookwoman.com/event/person-reading-discussion-sl-wisenberg-and-debra-monroe |
*Austin, BookPeople, Author Adam Gopnik (THE REAL WORK) book signing, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/adam-gopnik-real-work |
*Dallas, Brown Sugah Lounge, When She Speaks Open Mic, 7:30PM, https://thebrownsugahlounge.com/collections/frontpage |
SUNDAY, MARCH 26 (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Austin, Austin Book Arts Center, Rock 'N Roll Record Album Re-do, 10AM, https://atxbookarts.org/events/5949/ |
*San Antonio, The Twig Book Shop, Madeline Bradley signing her latest children's book, Please Take Us Home, 11AM https://www.thetwig.com/event/ehizogie-mary-ero-brown-all-kinds-love |
*Dallas, Half Price Books, Authors Neil White (SOMETHING FOR BEBE) & Stephen & Mary Weller (KANTARA: THE TRAVELER) signing, 1PM, https://www.hpb.com/001 |
*Fort Worth, East Regional Branch Library, FW Writes: Writers' Workshop, 1PM, https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/library/events/writers-workshop-estr |
*Fort Worth, Leaves, Afternoon with Authors, 2PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/186933874070512/186933887403844/ |
*Frisco, Sisters in Crime North Texas, Author Harry Hunsicker - Writing a Screenplay vs. Writing a Novel: It's All Just Storytelling, Right?, 2:30PM, https://www.sistersincrimenorthdallas.com/meetings/2023/2/19/bua1o2f7ols... |
*Houston, Inprint Cool Brains Series, Author Jasminne Mendez (ANIANA DEL MAR JUMPS IN), 3PM, https://inprinthouston.org/event/inprint-cool-brains-series-presents-jasminne-mendez/ |
Atmosphere Press, "America: Past, Present, and Future" A Reading with Kevin Howard, Deborah Jean Burris-Kitchen, Ph.D, and Eric D. Oberer, 3PM, ONLINE https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtc--qrT4qHNx3iwhsBEhkjRfk29L... |
Granbury Writers' Bloc, Read & Critique, 4PM, ONLINE, https://granburywritersbloc.com/meetings/ |
*San Antonio, The Mouth Dakota Poetry Project, Open Mic Poetry, 5PM, https://www.facebook.com/events/1677710089328417/1677710139328412 |
*Austin, BookPeople, Author Brad Wetzler (INTO THE SOUL OF THE WORLD) book signing, 7PM, https://www.bookpeople.com/event/brad-wetzler-soul-world |
Texas Poetry Assignment, TPA Contributor Readings, 7PM, https://www.texaspoetryassignment.org/events |
RECURRING STORY TIMES (*Denotes In-person Events)
*Taylor, Libros Bookmobile, Family Storytime at The Loose Screw, M, 12:30PM
*Grapevine, Talking Animals, Sat., 10:30AM
Lark & Owl Booksellers, Super Silly Story Time, M, W & F, 9:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
Allen Public Library – M-TH at 10:15 via Facebook Live
Leaves Books & Tea, read-aloud story time, T-Th, 2PM FACEBOOK LIVE
Seguin Public Library – Toddler & Preschool Storytime via Zoom, T & W, 10AM, or for the Whole Family, T at 11:15AM outside
*Bryan, Whimsy & Wild Emporium, children's story time, T & Th, 10:30AM
*Center, The Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library, Preschool Storytime (ages 2-5), W, 10:30 a.m.
Dallas Public Library, children’s story time, T & Th, 10:30AM ZOOM
*Houston, Holocaust Museum, Storytime at the Boniuk Library, Th, 4pm-5pm
*Fort Worth, Monkey and Dog Books, Story Time, T & F at 10:30AM
Old Town Books, children’s story time, T & F, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
*Laredo, Laredo Public Library, Toddler Story Time, 10AM & 11AM
Longview Public Library – T, Facebook Live at 10:30AM
North Richland Hills Library, virtual story time, T, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
*New Braunfels, The Book Haus, musical story time, T, 10:30AM
*Bridgeport, Bridgeport Public Library, story time, T, 4:30PM; W, 11AM
*Pflugerville, Pflugerville Library, baby time, W, 9AM; story time, W, 10AM
*Midland, Centennial Library, story time, W, 10:30AM & 11:30AM
*Midland, Downtown Library, story time, TH, 10:30AM & 11:30AM
Texian Books, tiny Texians story time, F, 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
*Laredo, Laredo Public Library, story time, TH, 11AM
The Twig Book Shop, Miss Anastasia online story time, F, 10:30AM INSTAGRAM LIVE
*Sachse, Sachse Public Library, Baby Bounce Story Time, F, 10:30AM
Boerne Radio, Early Bird story time, Sat., 7:45AM
Brazos Bookstore, virtual story time, Sat., 10:30AM FACEBOOK LIVE
*Laredo, Laredo Public Library, story time, Sat. 10:30AM & 4PM
*San Angelo, Old Time Books, Children's Story Time on the Patio, Sat., 11AM
*Longview, Books & Barrels, Children's Story Time, 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sat., 10:30AM
*The Woodlands, Buy the Book, 1st and 3rd Sat., 10:30am
Harris County Public Libraries - Fairbanks Branch: a variety of story times throughout the week
San Antonio Public Library, children’s story times throughout the week
El Paso Public Library, a variety of children’s programming throughout the week FACEBOOK LIVE
Houston Public Library, virtual story time, daily, times vary.
Laredo Public Libraries, story time live, days & times vary, YOUTUBE
Irving Public Library, online story time, days & times vary, YOUTUBE
The Doseum, virtual story time, days & times vary.
Want your event included? Email Events@lonestarliterary.com with your complete info two weeks in advance of the issue in which your event is scheduled, and we'll include it.