In a post shared to social media early evening, Friday, March 15, 2024, Lone Star Literary Life owner and publisher, Kristine Hall, announced her retirement from the business effective May 1, 2024. The post, shared from her personal Hall Ways accounts to Facebook, Instagram, and X (and reposted on LSLL's pages) said this:
I have written and rewritten this post a dozen times, but what I've landed on is the simple, but *BIG* news I have to share: I have decided to retire from Lone Star Literary Life and #LSBBT, effective May 1st.
Because inquiring minds will want to know...
Business is excellent, but try as I might, I have not been able to achieve that elusive work-life balance. Yes, I am able to do a lot of things and go a lot of places, but there are always consequences (typically involving even more sleep deprivation), and my laptop is never left behind. Never.
I am not sure what's next for #LoneStarLit, but I sincerely hope someone with energy and genuine passion for literary Texas will step up and continue championing all things bookish-Texas.
What's next for me? Hall Ways isn't going anywhere, but for the foreseeable future, my plans are nothing but READING BOOKS AGAIN, more travel, more time with my husband, children, grandchildren, family, and friends, and all without a laptop in tow. Hmm. I think my schedule is looking BOOKED.
Thank you for the support and friendship and love over these wonderful years with LSLL. On to the next big thing.
Hall said that she and her team will continue working "110% right through April," and, "It's been a really hard decision, and there have been a lot of tears, and it doesn't feel awesome quite yet," but that if she can "pass the baton to the right person or people," she'll be at peace with her decision.
She asked that any inquiries from interested parties email her on her Lone Star Literary Life address, KristineHall@LoneStarLiterary.com.